
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 2x07 Anti-Hero
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Zach and Sarah discuss the twenty second episode of Superman & Lois, "Anti-Hero." We talk Superman and Tal-Rho teaming up Thor and Loki-style, Anderson crossing over into full-on villain territory, how to be a parent in the age of texting and the internet, and much more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Zach: LIKED IT, 7/7
Sarah: LIKED IT, 6½/7
Sophie Watch: 4/7
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 2x06 Tried and True
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Zach and Sarah discuss the twenty first episode of Superman & Lois, "Tried and True." We talk the song the episode gets its name from and features, sibling drama with both Jonathan and Jordan and Lois and Lucy, and of course our favorite character...Sophie! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Zach: LIKED IT, 6/6
Sarah: LIKED IT, 5½/6
Sophie Watch: 4/6
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Level 33.1 #25 - Dallas Hernandez, Daryn Kirscht, JJ Hodges
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
It's our twenty fifth Patreon Level 33.1 discussion! Dallas Hernandez, Daryn Kirscht, JJ Hodges and I talk Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, James Bond, DVD special features, and of course some Smallville! If you'd like to be a part of Level 33.1 and join us for the next conversation, sign up on our Patreon: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Chris Fuchs / @crfuchs7
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena / @DjDoena
Nathan Rothacher
Cory Moore
Mike Franz
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
Adam Sullins
Marc-ids Foppen
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Michael Hartford
Jim Crawford
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Dylan DiAntonio
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Matt B.
Stephanie Rawnsley
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
Anthony Desiato
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 2x05 Girl...You’ll Be A Woman, Soon
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Zach and Sarah discuss the twentieth episode of Superman & Lois, "Girl...You'll Be A Woman, Soon." We talk quinceañeras, Ally and her Bizarro World, Jonathan vs. Jordan and the dilemma of to kill or not to kill when it comes to superheroes and supervillains! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Zach: LIKED IT, 5/5
Sarah: LIKED IT, 4½/5
Sophie Watch: 3/5
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Arrow Special #4 - Arrow, Season 4
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
It's our fourth Arrow Special! Zach is joined by Lance Laster and Kevonte Chilous from Always Hold On To Arrow to go through each episode of Arrow's fourth season and discuss if they're a bullseye, a miss, off the mark, or if they failed this city. Can Smallville ties the series at 2-2 deficit? Tune in and find out!
Do not fail this podcast, and always hold on to Arrow!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow (with Kevonte!)
Training Montage: thenerdparty.com/training-montage
WEBSITE: ufp.earth/always-hold-on-to-arrow
TWITTER: twitter.com/ufpearth
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/ufpearth
EMAIL: alwaysarow@gmail.com
SPREAKER: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
New for 2022, Always Hold On To The MCU! As is our way, I'm releasing the first episode (well...technically Episode 0) on the main podcast feed as a preview to all listeners of what to expect.
Zach, Lance Laster and Kevonte Chilous introduce the Always Hold On To The MCU podcast with the story on how it came to be, their overall thoughts on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and some Spider-Man: No Way Home talk.
We have a lot of fun things planned for this podcast both topic and format wise with segments, tallies, and more. We've already done Iron Man, and Hulk and The Incredible Hulk will be up later this month! So if you like what you hear, join the Avengers Tower tier of our Patreon for those podcasts and many more to come!
Always Hold On To The MCU artwork by Tom Gehrke: tomsart.store
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 2x04 The Inverse Method
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Zach and Sarah discuss the nineteenth episode of Superman & Lois, "The Inverse Method." We talk sister drama between Lois and Lucy, opposition research causing issues in the Cushing family, Jonathan's superpower, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Zach: LIKED IT, 4/4
Sarah: LIKED IT, 3½/4
Sophie Watch: 2/4
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 2x03 The Thing In The Mines
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Zach and Sarah discuss the eighteenth episode of Superman & Lois, "The Thing In The Mines." We talk another villain bait-and-switch, characters making questionable decisions all over the place, the return of Sophie, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Zach: LIKED IT, 3/3
Sarah: LIKED IT, 2½/3
Sophie Watch: 1/3
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 2x02 The Ties That Bind
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Zach and Sarah discuss the seventeenth episode of Superman & Lois, "The Ties That Bind." We talk all most of our predictions from last week coming true, Smallville references, Zach and Sarah's past in journalism, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Zach: LIKED IT, 2/2
Sarah: HALF LIKED IT, 1½/2
Sophie Watch: 0/2
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
New for 2022! I'm now doing commentaries on Smallville episodes! As is our way, I'm releasing the first Smallville episode commentary track on the main podcast feed as a preview to all listeners of what to expect. Where better to begin than the first episode of the first season, "Pilot"? If you like what you hear, join the Talon Theater Tier of our Patreon for more!
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 2x01 What Lies Beneath
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Zach and Sarah discuss the sixteenth episode of Superman & Lois, "What Lies Beneath." We talk Superman standing for truth, justice and the American way, Lois' mood, teenage angst, and on what that final scene might mean for what's to come this season! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Sophie Watch: 0/1
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Episode 147 - 7×15 Veritas
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
This week Zach is joined by Craig Byrne, webmaster of Kryptonsite and K-SiteTV and author of several companion books on the series, and Matt Truex from Lois & Clark'd: The New Podcasts of Superman (and Always Hold On To The Flash) to discuss the one hundred forty seventh episode of Smallville, "Veritas." The Writers Guild of America strike in 2007 almost made this the season seven finale, so we talk about what that original version of the episode would have been and much more! The latest Always Hold On To Smallville contains the secret to ultimate power!
Kryptonsite has always been the hub of Smallville fandom, and I highly recommend checking out both it and its sister site KSiteTV which covers all genre television currently on the air!
Kryptonsite: kryptonsite.com
KSiteTV: ksitetv.com
Check out Matt's work including Lois & Clark'd: The New Podcasts of Superman: dailyknockoff.com
Zach's Grade: B-
Craig's Grade: B
Matt's Grade: B
IMDB Grade: 8.6
Superman Homepage Grade: 5/5
Bechdel Test: FAIL
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 12
Amnesia Count: 60
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 71
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 29
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 60
Hospital Visits: 114
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 48
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 6
Main Character Deaths: 17
Mind Control Count: 23
Movie Plot As An Episode: 16
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 11
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 24
Shirtless Oliver: 3
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 29
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 34
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena / @DjDoena
Nathan Rothacher
Cory Moore
Leanne Pritchett
Marc-ids Foppen
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Matt B.
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Episode 146 - 7×14 Traveler
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
This week Zach is joined by Matthew Rocca to discuss the one hundred forty sixth episode of Smallville, "Traveler." We talk all things Lionel (hair, motivations, character arc), how Veritas fits into the established continuity of the series, Patricia Swann, and even some Chlois! The latest Always Hold On To Smallville will bring great change to the Earth!
Check out and support Rocca's current project Neighborhood Watch:
Zach's Grade: B
Rocca's Grade: A-
IMDB Grade: 8.6
Superman Homepage Grade: 4/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 12
Amnesia Count: 62
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 71
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 60
Hospital Visits: 113
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 48
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 17
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 16
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 11
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 25
Shirtless Oliver: 3
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 29
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 34
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena / @DjDoena
Nathan Rothacher
Cory Moore
Leanne Pritchett
Marc-ids Foppen
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Matt B.
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Level 33.1 #24 - Chris Fuchs, Joey Dienberg, Casey Cochran
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
It's our twenty fourth Patreon Level 33.1 discussion! Chris Fuchs, Joey Dienberg, Casey Cochran and I talk Spider-Man: No Way Home! If you'd like to be a part of Level 33.1 and join us for the next conversation, sign up on our Patreon: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Chris Fuchs / @crfuchs7
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena / @DjDoena
Nathan Rothacher
Cory Moore
Leanne Pritchett
Marc-ids Foppen
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Matt B.
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Episode 145 - 7×13 Hero
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Lance Laster and Kevonte Chilous from Always Hold On To Arrow and Tom Gehrke, who created our awesome logo as well as a lot of the other artwork you see around the podcast, to discuss the one hundred forty fifth episode of Smallville, "Hero." We talk the return of Pete Ross, the use of Stride gum in the episode as arguably the most shameless product placement of all time, One Republic, and much more! Don't worry, the latest Always Hold On To Smallville is Kryptonite free!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow (with Kevonte!)
Training Montage: thenerdparty.com/training-montage
Check out Tom's work...
Zach's Grade: D+
Lance's Grade: C-
Kevonte's Grade: C-
Tom's Grade: C-
IMDB Grade: 7.5
Superman Homepage Grade: 1/5
Bechdel Test: FAIL
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 12
Amnesia Count: 60
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 70
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 59
Hospital Visits: 113
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 48
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 17
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 16
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 11
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 24
Shirtless Oliver: 3
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 29
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 34
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 144 - 7×12 Fracture
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Matthew Rocca to discuss the one hundred forty fourth episode of Smallville, "Fracture." We recap the top ten episodes of the series (as voted by you...the people), how this episode features some of Smallville's most emotional scenes, and it's THE FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE VERITAS WINDOW! If you lose the latest Always Hold On To Smallville it can be found again!
Check out and support Rocca's current project Neighborhood Watch:
Zach's Grade: A
Rocca's Grade: A
IMDB Grade: 8.2
Superman Homepage Grade: 1/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 12
Amnesia Count: 60
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 69
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 58
Hospital Visits: 113
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 46
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 17
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 16
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 11
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 23
Shirtless Oliver: 3
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 33
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Episode 143 - 7×11 Siren
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
This week Zach is joined by by Lance Laster from Always Hold On To Arrow and Tricia Ennis to discuss the one hundred forty third episode of Smallville, "Siren." We talk Black Canary and Smallville's interpretation of her, Green Arrow's return to the series, the current state of Lana's character and her relationship with Clark, and more! The latest Always Hold On To Smallville is brought to you by The Word of Justice!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Training Montage: thenerdparty.com/training-montage
And check out Tricia's articles for SYFY Wire...
Zach's Grade: C-
Lance's Grade: C
Tricia's Grade: C
IMDB Grade: 8.4
Superman Homepage Grade: 1.5/5
Bechdel Test: FAIL
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 12
Amnesia Count: 60
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 68
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 58
Hospital Visits: 112
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 46
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 11
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 21
Shirtless Oliver: 3
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 33
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Level 33.1 #23 - Daryn Kirscht, Joey Dienberg, JJ Hodges, DJ Doena
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
It's our twenty third Patreon Level 33.1 discussion! Daryn Kirscht, Joey Dienberg, JJ Hodges, DJ Doena and I talk the Superman '78 and Batman '89 comics, The Batman, the just-around-the-corner Spider-Man: No Way Home, and more! If you'd like to be a part of Level 33.1 and join us for the next conversation, sign up on our Patreon: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Episode 142 - 7×10 Persona
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Chris Clow from The Comic Binge and Anthony Desiato from Digging for Kryptonite to discuss the one hundred forty second episode of Smallville, "Persona." We talk Brainiac's reemergence, the characterization of Bizarro, his relationship with Lana, Marc McClure's return to the world of Superman, and much more! The latest Always Hold On To Smallville might just be a voice, but we won't lecture you to death!
Check out Chris on...
The Comic Binge: youtube.com/c/thecomicbinge
Discovery Debrief: discoverydebrief.podbean.com
Comics on Consoles: comicsonconsoles.com
And Anthony on...
Digging for Kryptonite: diggingforkryptonite.captivate.fm/listen
Flat Squirrel Productions: linktr.ee/flatsquirrelproductions
Zach's Grade: B-
Chris' Grade: B-
Anthony's Grade: B+
IMDB Grade: 8.7
Superman Homepage Grade: 2.5/5
Bechdel Test: FAIL
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 12
Amnesia Count: 60
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 67
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 57
Hospital Visits: 112
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 46
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 11
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 19
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 33
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Episode 141 - 7×09 Gemini
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Luke Winch from Observing the Pattern: A Fringe Podcast to discuss the one hundred forty first episode of Smallville, "Gemini." We talk the secret origin of Grant Gabriel, movie plot inspirations, that bizarre twist at end of the episode, and much more! The latest Always Hold On To Smallville works is the best Secret Santa gift you could give!
Check out Luke's podcasts including Observing the Pattern on We Made This: wemadethisnetwork.com
Zach's Grade: B
Luke's Grade: B-
IMDB Grade: 8.3
Superman Homepage Grade: 1.5/5
Bechdel Test: FAIL
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 11
Amnesia Count: 60
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 66
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 57
Hospital Visits: 112
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 46
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 10
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 19
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Episode 140 - 7×08 Blue
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Ronit Troner to discuss the one hundred fortieth episode of Smallville, "Blue." We talk the logistics of cloning and resurrection, the bad optics of Lois dating her boss, Kara's nonsensical disappearance and amnesia at the end of the episode, and much more! The latest Always Hold On To Smallville isn't just a replicant!
Zach's Grade: D-
Ronit's Grade: D
IMDB Grade: 8.3
Superman Homepage Grade: 2/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 11
Amnesia Count: 60
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 65
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 11
Episode Title Said In Episode: 56
Hospital Visits: 111
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 46
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 10
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 19
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Superman Special #18 - Supergirl (The Last Gauntlet, Kara)
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
It's our eighteenth Superman Special! Zach is joined by Tricia Ennis to discuss the two-part series finale of Supergirl, "The Last Gauntlet" and "Kara." They talk their thoughts on the series as a whole, callbacks to earlier seasons in the finale, if this felt like an appropriate wrap up for the series and its titular character, Smallville comparisons, and more!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Check out Tricia's articles for SYFY Wire here: syfy.com/author/tricia-ennis
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Episode 139 - 7×07 Wrath
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Lance Laster from Always Hold On To Arrow and Casey Cochran to discuss the one hundred thirty ninth episode of Smallville, "Wrath." We talk the power-transfer-via-lightning working a bit differently this time around, the beginning of Grant Gabriel and Lois Lane's epic romance, a what-if Imagine Dragons soundtrack for this episode, and much more! Don't delete your hard drive until you've listened to the latest Always Hold On To Smallville!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Training Montage: thenerdparty.com/training-montage
Zach's Grade: B-
Lance's Grade: B+
Casey's Grade: B-
IMDB Grade: 8.1
Superman Homepage Grade: 3/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 10
Amnesia Count: 59
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 64
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 9
Episode Title Said In Episode: 55
Hospital Visits: 109
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 46
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 8
Possession Count: 25
Product Placement Pete: 18
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez / @DallasHashtagez
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
James Hart / @jaoharts
Melissa Brown
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Episode 138 - 7×06 Lara
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Matt Latham from Pick A Disc to discuss the one hundred thirty eighth episode of Smallville, "Lara." We talk Helen Slater, flashbacks, the dysfunctional family dynamics of the House of El, hidden pictures, and much more! A true Kryptonian embraces the latest Always Hold On To Smallville!
Check out Matt's podcast Pick A Disc: spreaker.com/show/pick-a-disc
Zach's Grade: B+
Matt's Grade: B+
IMDB Grade: 8.1
Superman Homepage Grade: 2/5
Bechdel Test: FAIL
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 10
Amnesia Count: 59
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 63
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 9
Episode Title Said In Episode: 55
Hospital Visits: 108
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 45
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 8
Possession Count: 24
Product Placement Pete: 18
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Tee Hamill / @GroovySpiderHam
Alana Gibbs
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Omar / @bboypsyklone
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Episode 137 - 7×05 Action
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Lance Laster from Always Hold On To Arrow and Joey Dienberg to discuss the one hundred thirty seventh episode of Smallville, "Action." We talk Joey's Smallville fandom, the extremely meta nature of the episode, a return of the mythology of Warrior Angel, Lionel in a bear trap, and much more! Don't worry, the latest Always Hold On To Smallville stays true to the comic book source material!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Training Montages: thenerdparty.com/training-montage
*Note: We recorded this podcast before the events on the set of Rust that took the life of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. It felt appropriate to address considering such a similar plot point in "Action," so I share a brief commentary and reflection on the tragedy at the top of the podcast.
Zach's Grade: A
Lance's Grade: A
Joey's Grade: A-
IMDB Grade: 8.1
Superman Homepage Grade: 1/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 10
Amnesia Count: 58
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 63
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 28
Clark Loses His Powers: 9
Episode Title Said In Episode: 54
Hospital Visits: 108
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 45
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 5
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 8
Possession Count: 24
Product Placement Pete: 18
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Tee Hamill / @GroovySpiderHam
Alana Gibbs
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Omar / @bboypsyklone
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Episode 136 - 7×04 Cure
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Matt Truex from Lois & Clark's: The New Podcasts of Superman and Alan Burke from the All Star Superfan Podcast to discuss the one hundred thirty sixth episode of Smallville, "Cure." We talk Alan's Superman and Smallville fandom, Dean Cain and the character he was supposed to be playing, Clark'd careless attitude toward killing in this episode, the exhausting Chloe and Jimmy relationship, and much more! If you're going to live forever, you might as well pass the time by listening to the latest Always Hold On To Smallville!
Check out Matt's work including Lois & Clark'd: The New Podcasts of Superman: dailyknockoff.com
And Alan on the All Star Superfan Podcast: allstarsuperfan.podbean.com
Zach's Grade: C-
Matt's Grade: C
Alan's Grade: D
IMDB Grade: 8.0
Superman Homepage Grade: 1/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 10
Amnesia Count: 58
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 62
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 27
Clark Loses His Powers: 9
Episode Title Said In Episode: 53
Hospital Visits: 108
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 44
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 4
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 8
Possession Count: 24
Product Placement Pete: 18
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Tee Hamill / @GroovySpiderHam
Alana Gibbs
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Omar / @bboypsyklone
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Top Ten Episodes: #9 Pilot - PATREON SPECIAL
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Today marks Smallville's 20th anniversary! To celebrate and to give all our listeners a taste of our Patreon content, we're releasing our discussion on "Pilot" that was part of our top ten episodes series on the Patreon from 2019. Lance Laster, Victoria Male, Matt Truex and Matthew Rocca join Zach for the third part of this eleven part series! To hear the other parts, sign up for the Gotham Clock Tower Tier of our Patreon!
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Episode 135 - 7×03 Fierce
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Lance Laster from Always Hold On To Arrow and Lauren Winn from Always Hold On To Wonder Woman to discuss the one hundred thirty fifth episode of Smallville, "Fierce." We talk this episode's season one vibe, the Clark/Kara dynamic, The Powerpuff Girls, using heat vision on Kryptonite, and much more! You don't need a treasure map to find the latest Always Hold On To Smallville!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Training Montage: thenerdparty.com/training-montage
Zach's Grade: B-
Lance's Grade: B-
Lauren's Grade: C
IMDB Grade: 7.7
Superman Homepage Grade: 1/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 10
Amnesia Count: 57
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 62
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 27
Clark Loses His Powers: 9
Episode Title Said In Episode: 52
Hospital Visits: 107
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 43
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 4
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 8
Possession Count: 24
Product Placement Pete: 18
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Tee Hamill / @GroovySpiderHam
Alana Gibbs
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Omar / @bboypsyklone
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Episode 134 - 7×02 Kara
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Lauren Winn from Always Hold On To Wonder Woman and Zack Benz from The Daily Planet to discuss the one hundred thirty fourth episode of Smallville, "Kara." We talk the introduction and characterization of Smallville's second Kara, Lois Lane finally getting a job at the Daily Planet, the Grant Gabriel of it all, the series' overall approach towards her character so far, and much more! The AM and FM radio frequencies are down, so you might as well listen to the latest Always Hold On To Smallville!
The Daily Planet: dailyplanetdc.com
Zach's Grade: C+
Lauren's Grade: B-
Zack's Grade: D
IMDB Grade: 8.5
Superman Homepage Grade: 3.5/5
Bechdel Test: PASS
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 10
Amnesia Count: 57
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 61
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 27
Clark Loses His Powers: 9
Episode Title Said In Episode: 52
Hospital Visits: 106
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 43
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 6
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 4
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 8
Possession Count: 24
Product Placement Pete: 18
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Tee Hamill / @GroovySpiderHam
Alana Gibbs
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Omar / @bboypsyklone
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Episode 133 - 7×01 Bizarro
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Meredith Borders from Fangoria to discuss the one hundred thirty third episode of Smallville, "Bizarro." We talk Meredith's Smallville fandom, the series' take on Bizarro, Lana's "death" and its effect on the characters, and much more! Turn yourself in and listen to the latest Always Hold On To Smallville!
Check out Meredith's work on Fangoria: fangoria.com/authors/meredith-borders
And also her brewery, City Acre Brewing: cityacrebrewing.com
Zach's Grade: B
Meredith's Grade: B+
IMDB Grade: 9.0
Superman Homepage Grade: 4/5
Bechdel Test: FAIL
...From Metropolis: 16
Amazing Technicolor Kryptonite: 10
Amnesia Count: 56
Blue Shirt/Red Jacket: 60
Chloe's Unseen Connections: 27
Clark Loses His Powers: 9
Episode Title Said In Episode: 51
Hospital Visits: 105
In Media Res: 4
Injection Count: 47
Kent Truck Accidents: 10
KOs to Keep Clark's Secret: 41
KOs to Keep Oliver's Secret: 3
Lana Kills: 5
Lois Arm Punches: 6
Lois' Costume Closet: 4
Main Character Deaths: 16
Mind Control Count: 22
Movie Plot As An Episode: 15
Not The Last Son Of Krypton: 8
Possession Count: 24
Product Placement Pete: 18
Shirtless Oliver: 2
Shower Count: 21
Shut It Down: 10
Shut That Laptop: 27
Smallville High School Faculty Deaths: 5
Smallville High School Student Deaths: 17
Under The Influence: 32
Wakes Up Tied Up: 11
Weddings: 4
"You Weren't Yourself": 32
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Tee Hamill / @GroovySpiderHam
Alana Gibbs
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Omar / @bboypsyklone
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Level 33.1 #22 - Chris Fuchs, Joey Dienberg, DJ Doena
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
It's our twenty second Patreon Level 33.1 discussion! Chris Fuchs, Joey Dienberg, DJ Doena and I talk where Smallville landed in a recent TV Line poll, the Superman '78 and Batman '89 comic books so far, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (now in HD!), season seven, and more! If you'd like to be a part of Level 33.1 and join us for the next conversation, sign up on our Patreon: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Becca Ziefle / @becca_zee9
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Level 33.1 #21 - Joey Dienberg, JJ Hodges, Jason Skipper, Mateo Jerrell Santiago
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
It's our twenty first Patreon Level 33.1 discussion! Joey Dienberg, JJ Hodges, Jason Skipper, Mateo Jerrell Santiago and I talk the potential Smallville animated series, the upcoming The Flash movie, Smallville season seven, and more! If you'd like to be a part of Level 33.1 and join us for the next conversation, sign up on our Patreon: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Becca Ziefle / @becca_zee9
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Snyder Cut Special #7 - Zack Snyder‘s Justice League
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
It's our seventh Snyder Cut Special! Zach is joined by Tom Elliot from The Twilight Zone Podcast to discuss Zack Snyder's Justice League!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
The Twilight Zone Podcast: thetwilightzonepodcast.com
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Becca Ziefle / @becca_zee9
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Snyder Cut Special #6 - Zack Snyder‘s Justice League
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
It's our sixth Snyder Cut Special! Zach is joined by Lance Laster from Always Hold On To Arrow, Mike Damante, Mike Krause and Matthew Rocca to discuss Zack Snyder's Justice League!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Punk Rock and UFOs: punkrockandufos.com
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Becca Ziefle / @becca_zee9
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Snyder Cut Special #5 - Zack Snyder‘s Justice League
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
It's our fifth Snyder Cut Special! Zach is joined by Ryan Unicomb, Tricia Ennis and Tom Gehrke to discuss Zack Snyder's Justice League!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Ryan's Instagram: instagram.com/itsryanunicomb
Tricia's SYFY Wire articles: syfy.com/author/tricia-ennis
Tom's Redbubble: redbubble.com/people/tomgehrke
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Thomas Naven
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Dana Bius
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Becca Ziefle / @becca_zee9
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Level 33.1 #20 - Daryn Kirscht, Joey Dienberg, Mateo Jerrell Santiago
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
It's our twentieth Patreon Level 33.1 discussion! Daryn Kirscht, Joey Dienberg, Mateo Jerrell Santiago, special guest Lance Laster and I talk Zack Snyder's Justice League and recent Smallville news and rumors! If you'd like to be a part of Level 33.1 and join us for the next conversation, sign up on our Patreon: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Chris Fuchs / @crfuchs7
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Nathan Rothacher
Jordan Brenneman
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Atif Sheikh
Mollie Ficarella
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Becca Ziefle / @becca_zee9
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x15 Last Sons of Krypton
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the fifteenth episode of Superman & Lois, "Last Sons of Krypton." We talk our incorrect predictions, if the first season finale lived up to the high bar set by the rest of the season, that implications of that last scene, Legends of the Hidden Temple, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x14 The Eradicator
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the fourteenth episode of Superman & Lois, "The Eradicator." We talk Smallville references, if the Cushings will stay or go, the action/drama balance of this episode, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x13 Fail Safe
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the thirteenth episode of Superman & Lois, "Fail Safe." We talk the characters facing temptation, our continued trouble with their names (and other words), to keep or not to keep Kryptonite weapons, journalistic integrity, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Mailbag #8, Part 2
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
This week Zach is again joined by Lance Laster and Nick Ryan Magdoza to finish off the most recent mailbag and read listener emails and iTunes reviews! Thank you all so very much for your feedback, and if you want your thoughts read on air...leave us some for next time! Part 2 of 2!
Check out Always Hold On To Arrow on the United Federation of Podcasts: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Chris Fuchs / @crfuchs7
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Jordan Brenneman
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jason Short
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x12 Through the Valley of Death
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the twelfth episode of Superman & Lois, "Through the Valley of Death." We talk Arrow's John Diggle coming to Smallville, the return of John Henry Irons in full Steel mode, interesting commercials, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Mailbag #8, Part 1
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
This week Zach is joined by Lance Laster and Nick Ryan Magdoza as we open up the mailbag and read listener emails and iTunes reviews! Thank you all so very much for your feedback, and if you want your thoughts read on air...leave us some for next time! Part 1 of 2!
Check out Always Hold On To Arrow on the United Federation of Podcasts: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Chris Fuchs / @crfuchs7
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Jordan Brenneman
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jason Short
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Jarrett Gibbs
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Arrow Special #3 - Arrow, Season 3
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
It's our third Arrow Special! Zach is joined by Lance Laster and Kevonte Chilous from Always Hold On To Arrow to go through each episode of Arrow's third season and discuss if they're a bullseye, a miss, off the mark, or if they failed this city. Season three of Arrow might be just the break Smallville needed to come back from its 0-2 deficit!
Do not fail this podcast, and always hold on to Arrow!
Check out Always Hold On To Arrow on the United Federation of Podcasts: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
WEBSITE: ufp.earth/always-hold-on-to-arrow
TWITTER: twitter.com/ufpearth
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/ufpearth
EMAIL: alwaysarow@gmail.com
SPREAKER: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the eleventh episode of Superman & Lois, "A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events" We talk this episode's numerous references to other Superman media, phone booths, the updated Superman/Lois/Clark triangle, John Diggle coming to town next week, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the tenth episode of Superman & Lois, "O Mother, Where Art Thou?" We talk Morgan Edge's secret lineage, Smallville's inspirations and influences on the current story, Oedipus complex vs. Oedipal complex, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x09 Loyal Subjekts
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the ninth episode of Superman & Lois, "Loyal Subjekts." We talk the two major reveals of the episode, Jordan developing another new power, the logistics Morgan Edge's plan, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Smallville Special #12 - Justice & Doom
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
We're back with another Smallville Special! Next up, Justice & Doom! Zach is joined by Lance Laster from Always Hold On To Arrow to discuss these webisodes that tell the story of what the Justice League was up to during the second half fo season six. We talk attempts at connecting the continuity dots of the series, the secret sixth part featuring who else: Martian Manhunter, comic book characters being introduced on TV series under different names, and more!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Nerd Party News: thenerdparty.com/news
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Jordan Brenneman
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
James Bandini II / @semaj8595
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Jason Short
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x08 Holding the Wrench
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the eighth episode of Superman & Lois, "Holding the Wrench." We talk Lois' motherhood, the Smallville High School talent show, refer to Leslie Larr as Linda Larr, and more! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois - 1x07 Man of Steel
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Zach and Sarah discuss the seventh episode of Superman & Lois, "Man of Steel." We talk Jordan's developing super-hearing, Evil Superman, and of course John Henry Irons himself...Steel! So journey with us back to Smallville for these new adventures of Lois & Clark and Always Hold On To Superman & Lois!
This podcast contains SPOILERS. You've been warned!
Always Hold On To Superman & Lois artwork by Matt Truex: dailyknockoff.com
PATREON: patreon.com/alwaysmallville
TWITTER: twitter.com/alwaysmallville
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwaysmallville
EMAIL: alwaysmallville@gmail.com
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-hold-on-to-smallville/id1080260981

Monday May 31, 2021
Smallville Special #11 - The Oliver Queen Chronicles
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
We're back with another Smallville Special! Next up, The Oliver Queen Chronicles! Zach is joined by Lance Laster from Always Hold On To Arrow to discuss these webisodes that tell the origin story of Smallville's Green Arrow. We talk the animation style, questionable storytelling decisions, Monkey Manhunter, and potential inspirations for Arrow itself!
Check out Lance on his other podcasts...
Always Hold On To Arrow: spreaker.com/show/always-hold-on-to-arrow
Nerd Party News: thenerdparty.com/news
Always Hold On To Smallville is brought you to by listeners like you. Special thanks to these Meteor Freaks on Patreon who's generous contributions help produce the podcast!
Kevonte Chilous / @chill_us
Dallas Hernandez
Casey Cochran / @CaseyCochran53
Daryn Kirscht / @darynkirscht16
Joey Dienberg / @JoeyD94_13
JJ Hodges / @ForComicJunkies
DJ Doena
Jason Skipper / @skipper818
Nathan Rothacher
Mateo Jerrell Santiago / @mattsantiago88
Alvin Ortland
Nathan MacKenzie / @maccamackenzie
Tim Miller / @timjmills
Joe McIndoe / @joemcindoe92
Steve Rogers / @SteveJRogersJr
Mollie Ficarella
Atif Sheikh
John Curcio
Mike Franz
Dylan DiAntonio
Mariana Sacchi / @sacchifx
Andrew Parker / @parkerstpaul
James Lee / @Jae_El_52
Jonathan England / @England422
Adam Sullins
Jo Michael / @jweissbrod86
Zachary Burkhalter / @ZGBurk
Marc-ids Foppen
Alex Ramsey / @aramsey1992
Jason Davis / @superjay_92
Patrick Bravo
Jacob Stevenart
Cory Moore
Nick Ryan Magdoza / @nickryan
Eddie Bissell / @Kal_Ed11
Jim Thomas
Nicholas Fansler
Katherine Caldwell / @TheNinjaKate
Will Hunt / @superman100987
Clunk Kant / @clunkKant
Tee Hamill / @GroovySpiderHam
Alana Gibbs
Patricia Carrillo / @MsCarrillo92
Omar / @bboypsyklone
Tom Gehrke / @tomgehrke
Nicholas Coso
Jarrett Gibbs
Erika Flynn / @ErkaF
Anthony Anderson / @NigandNog
Jasmine Magele / @Jas mindaMT_NZ
Keith Fauls
Jay Paquet
Lauren D.
Kody Thomas / @Sportsfan102512
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